Rugthai (Bright) Thongsom
For Thai national Rugthai (Bright) Thongsom, Hills was the right choice because of its stellar golf programme. Despite being initially homesick, he soon found a family in the school. “You have to adapt to all the cultures, but I took that as a unique opportunity to even learn about other people too,” he says. “What I learnt from Hills is that the College is a big community. It really helped to be in Hills because you learn balance, and you become open-minded. You learn how to live with other people.”
As Thongsom has always dreamt of studying abroad, his time at Hills was certainly treasured. “It's a top programme for athletes or anybody who wants to learn, who wants to go overseas and get educated,” he says. The school nurtured his love for golf, and he was surrounded by a mix of students, some who dedicated all their time to the sport and some who played casually. “I was not the guy who spent the longest time [on the green], but I was definitely the one who spent the most quality time there. Every minute there, I was at my 100% focus. I think that's where you get the most out of it.”
Thongsom scored a golf scholarship at the University of San Diego, where he is a third-year student. He notes that many of the teachers, coaches and other students still keep in touch, proving that the connections he made are genuinely life-long.

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