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Sports gear, Safety glove, Comfort, Gesture, Finger, Thumb
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Vision care, Dress shirt, Forehead, Glasses, Beard, Sleeve, Collar, Eyewear

I was really impressed with how the programme was planned; and in such a short time, was incorporated with a practical business trip to China. I was also pleased with the physical location of the place. It very much suits a person like me.

Everyone at UNH was very welcoming. I had some great experiences with staff and fellow students. The staff took the time to guide us in every way possible. I enjoyed sitting in my professors’ classes.

The learning culture was fast-paced, yet relaxed. The work was fun, yet also drove us every day. I can say that UNH definitely makes you want to be there for longer and you would be proud to be part of this community.

Nishanth Rao


Currently: Business Manager, Consciente Technologies

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