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Drylands agriculture programmes

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Drylands agriculture programmes

The college makes full use of its location as the US's driest state. "There are faculty members in the agriculture department that are working on drought-resistant varieties. For example, we bring plants from other parts of the world — like sorghum — and see how well we can grow it here," says Teaching Assistant Professor Dr. Erica Bigio. 

A dual degree programme in agricultural science and economics blends agriculture with a robust understanding of markets, trade, statistics, and solutions to resource allocation problems. Bachelor's degree in environmental science students are exposed to forests that grow in dry environments through field visits. "We also use examples of dryland forests and sagebrush ecosystems that are adapted to the very low rainfall amounts that we have in the Great Basin," says the professor. 

Beyond this, the bachelor's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology lays the foundation for how cells and chemical processes work. Understanding this is key to scientific advancements in human health, disease treatment, advanced agriculture and more. Plus, many of the world's most vexing problems — disease, famine, environmental degradation — are targets of modern biochemical research.

"The university has a whole office devoted to undergraduate research. They provide grants every semester for students who want to pursue a research project," Bigio shares. "Students who are working in a faculty member's lab can develop a small project and they can propose that project."

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