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Master in Artificial Intelligence

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The Master in Artificial Intelligence prepares students to apply their knowledge in many interdisciplinary areas including robotics, business forecasting, intelligent search, video games, music and entertainment, chat bots, medical diagnostics, self-driving cars, to name a few.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most popular areas in computer science and engineering. AI deals with intelligent behaviour, learning, and adaptation in machines, robots and body-less computer programmes.

AI is everywhere. Search engines use it to improve answers to queries, to recognise speech, to translate languages. Email programmes use it to filter spam. Banks use it to predict exchange rates and stock markets. Doctors use it to recognise tumours. Robots use it to localise themselves and obstacles. Autonomous cars use it to drive. Video games use it to enhance the player's experience. Adaptive telescopes use it to improve image quality. Smartphones use it to recognise objects, faces, gestures, voices, music, and more.

People are discussing the possibility of superintelligence and AI risks. Big players such as Google, Amazon, Baidu, Microsoft etc are investing billions in AI, and the AI-related job market is growing extremely rapidly.

In this exciting context, the first AI master in Switzerland is offered in Lugano, profiting from the competences of the Faculty of Informatics and the Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, a common institute with SUPSI and one of the world's leading research institutes in this field. For example, in 2016, IDSIA got the Swiss Special ICT award for its bio-inspired research activities and one of the ten NVIDIA "Pioneers in AI research" awards.


Master's Degree


Lugano, Switzerland


24 months (2 years)

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