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LLM 2008; SJD 2019

Elif Kavusturan was a student of Suffolk Law’s LLM program, which she credits as a world-changing experience. She thinks back to it fondly as a program that helped shape her career as an IT lawyer — and, subsequently, inspired her decision to return to the world of academia in the form of a Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) degree.

Her favorite aspect of the program? The flexibility it offered. “The versatility of the program allowed me to explore different fields, from international business law to intellectual property and Internet law,” she shares. “It helped me find my interests and pick the right career path for myself.”

As a student paving a path for her future career, she found the genuine support from Suffolk Law’s faculty invaluable. “It made it easier to adjust as an international student and aided me greatly in successfully completing both programs,” she says. “It was one of the main reasons I decided to pursue an SJD at Suffolk University as well.”

She advises future students to draw from the knowledge and guidance afforded by Suffolk Law’s impressive array of faculty members, especially when it comes to writing a dissertation. “Listen to the experts,” she stresses. “Our professors are obviously experts, so I think listening to their advice and following the roadmap that they provide is the way to overcome that challenge.”

Forehead, Cheek, Smile, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Neck, Jaw, Gesture, Ear

Elif Kavusturan

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