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Afghanistan-born Fatimah Daryabi’s journey to Solebury began last year when she was a refugee at an army base in Texas. Despite this, she spent her junior year getting back on track — and has made extraordinary progress in her short time at the school. 

Daryabi has dedicated much of her journey to humanitarian causes and is adamant to help other young girls receive a quality education. She’s attended a summer journalism programme at Northwestern University to hone her talent in writing; she’s spoken about her experiences during the Taliban takeover during Global Education Week; and she’s president of the Service Society Club. Above all, she uses her freedom to make Afghanistan — and the world — a better place. 

“Coming from Afghanistan, one of the things that is so special about Solebury is that it feels like home,” she shares. “You have so many people that are there for you no matter what. Everyone on campus cares about you and shows you their love. I’ve also been able to try so many new things here — I’ve played three different sports, a bunch of art electives, joined several clubs, and taken all kinds of classes I never thought I’d be able to take.”

Like Dias, Daryabi will be attending Columbia University in the fall of 2023. 

Fatima Daryabi

Class of ‘23

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