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Vinola Rita Miranda


Master of Business Administration (majoring in Conflict Management and Resolution)

Graduation Class:

More career opportunities, more independence and a brighter future — these were the reasons behind Vinola Rita Miranda’s move to Australia.

When she arrived at JCU, she discovered more perks. The weather reminds her of Mumbai. The summers and beaches are lovely. Yet, the living costs are affordable.

On campus, Miranda enjoys going to classes, especially those related to conflict analysis. “We had a fun workshop for this class two weeks ago, where we talked about the layers of conflict,” she says. “The Director of the Conflict Management and Resolution Program, Claire Holland, also spoke to us about the group she is a part of – Mediators Beyond Borders Oceania. Claire is a certified conflict coach with Conflict Coaching International and spent a year working in refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border as a Mediation Specialist with the International Rescue Committee.”

With such dynamism on and off campus, it’s little wonder Miranda is optimistic of what’s set to come next. Armed with her JCU degree, she’s confident she will be able to land a consultancy role. “A few of my friends, who are also international students, graduated recently and they have found work. One is working in IT in Brisbane and the other is working as a research assistant here at JCU,” she says. “I would like to apply my knowledge of company law and contracts, together with what I’ve learnt about conflict management, to help companies resolve any disputes.”

“When I went through the curriculum, I saw JCU offered corporate governance and conflict analysis and I’ve always wanted to work as a conflict resolution practitioner. The Master of Business Administration, majoring in Conflict Management and Resolution, also sits well with my Bachelor of Law degree.”
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