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from Portugal

Miguel Vicêncio

Miguel is the president of the HKBU School of Business’s International Postgraduate Student Club, which organises network-building and memorable events across Hong Kong for students; but the added responsibility never gets in the way of his love for experiential learning.

Just this year, he joined the Future Banking Bridging Programme, which is organised by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB). Here, he won the Best Audience Engagement Award with his final presentation. Not long after, Miguel was a finalist in the Hong Kong Techathon 2023. “These were extremely valuable experiences where I could meet other like-minded people and industry experts, as well as improve my skills in general,” he says.

Wanting to leave his market trading and algorithm development career behind, Miguel sought a more vibrant path that would entail channelling his inner extrovert through networking, skill development opportunities and fulfilling experiences. One glance at the Master of Science (MSc) in Finance (FinTech and Financial Analytics) (MScFTFA) page and he knew it was the perfect fit.

While an International Postgraduate Scholarship (IPS) made Miguel’s HKBU aspirations possible, a comprehensive curriculum made his MScFTFA experience dynamic. “I especially like the elective course ’Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading’, I feel like it built upon my previous knowledge and took it to the next level,” he says. “Other core courses such as ’Machine Learning for Financial Data’, ’Cybersecurity, Privacy and RegTech for Finance’, ’Blockchain and Cryptocurrency’ and ’Investment Management’ were also very valuable to me. Plenty of new knowledge that I can foresee myself using in the future.”

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